Wolfram Physics Q&A
(1) General
Has the project been peer reviewed?
What is the quickest way to understand the project?
What is the history and background to the project?
(2) Scientific General Interest
Does your theory make predictions?
Are you saying that the universe is a computer?
If the universe is computational, what computer is it running on?
(3) Relations to Other Approaches
How do your models relate to string theory?
How do your models relate to causal set theory and causal dynamical triangulation?
How do your models relate to tensor networks?
(4) Spacetime / Relativity
What do your models imply regarding the black hole information paradox?
Are your models consistent with the holographic principle/AdS-CFT correspondence?
Are your models consistent with inflationary cosmology?
(5) Quantum Mechanics
Are your models consistent with the holographic principle/AdS-CFT correspondence?
What do your models imply regarding the black hole information paradox?
Are your models consistent with the ER=EPR conjecture?
(6) Computation Theory
What does your formalism mean for computational complexity theory?
Are your models consistent with the ER=EPR conjecture?
How does quantum computation work within the context of your models?