A Class of Models with the Potential to Represent Fundamental Physics
  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Form of Models
  3. Typical Behaviors
  4. Limiting Behavior and Emergent Geometry
  5. The Updating Process for String Substitution Systems
  6. The Updating Process in Our Models
  7. Equivalence and Computation in Our Models
  8. Potential Relation to Physics
  9. Additional Material
  10. References
  11. Index

9.4 Tools, Data & Source Materials

Extensive tools, data and source material related to this document and the project it describes are available at wolframphysics.org.

This document is available in complete computable form as a Wolfram Notebook, including Wolfram Language input for all results shown. The notebook can be run directly in the Wolfram Cloud or downloaded for local use.

Specialized Wolfram Language functions developed for this project are available in the Wolfram Function Repository [204] for immediate use in the Wolfram Language. A tutorial of their use is given in [205].

The Registry of Notable Universes [8] contains results on specific examples of our models, including all those explicitly used in this document.

An archive of approximately 1000 working notebooks associated with this project from 1994 to the present is available at wolframphysics.org. In addition, there is an archive of approximately 500 hours of recorded streams of working sessions (starting in fall 2019) associated with this project.